

{base url}/kingdom/{kingdom id}

The kingdom API allows you to fetch current information about a kingdom. The response is as follows:

  "success": true,
  "kingdom_id": {[integer] the id of the kingdom},
  "kingdom_name": {[string] the name of the kingdom},
  "kingdom_leader": {[string] the name of the leader},
  "kingdom_score": {[float] the score of the kingdom},
  "kingdom_population": {[integer] the population of the kingdom},
  "warriors": {[integer] the warriors of the kingdom},
  "calvary": {[integer] the calvary of the kingdom},
  "ships": {[integer] the ships of the kingdom},
  "housing": {[integer] the housing of the kingdom},
  "farms": {[integer] the farms of the kingdom},
  "water_wells": {[integer] the water wells of the kingdom},
  "lumber_mill": {[integer] the lumber mills of the kingdom},
  "iron_mines": {[integer] the iron mines of the kingdom},
  "barracks": {[integer] the barracks of the kingdom},
  "docks": {[integer] the docks of the kingdom},
  "watch_towers": {[integer] the watch towers of the kingdom},
  "hospitals": {[integer] the hospitals of the kingdom},
  "schools": {[integer] the schools of the kingdom},
  "defensive_slots": {[integer] how many defensive battles the kingdom has had this turn}

Here is an example of a valid request URL: